LAST STEP… Get a Plantar Fasciitis Relief DVD and Manual!

(Order Step 3)

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Plantar Fasciitis Relief In Your LIVING ROOM, Right In Front Of Your Television With The Plantar Fasciitis Relief Hard Copy DVD Set!

Shipped to your door – anywhere in the world!

One Time Offer!

At your request, we’ve taken ALL unique components from Plantar Fasciitis Relief (including the massage exercises!) and put them in a follow along format—in HD quality—on hard copy physical DVD.

That means you can now “follow along” in real time with Jedd and Rick right there in front of your television, and in the comfort of your own living room.

No fancy equipment required. No gym membership. And now learning Plantar Fasciitis Relief at home in front of your TV couldn’t be easier!

$47 $19

Upgraded shipping on every order, anywhere in the world..

$19 plus shipping and handling

No thanks. I understand that this is my only opportunity to get access to this information and I’m okay with missing out. I understand that after declining this offer, the Plantar Fasciitis Relief DVD and Manual will never be made available to me again at any price, even if I wish to pay more.  I will pass on this forever.

Please note, that if you do request a refund, you will need to send the DVDs back to us before your refund will be processed.