For Women & Men 40+ Struggling to Shed
Stubborn Belly Fat...
New Korean "Reflexive" Sequence Melts
Up to 3X MORE Fat Than Cardio…
… With LESS Than Half The Effort
- Finally Get & Keep a Slim Figure You Can Show Off...
- Without Weights, Cardio or Grueling Exercise
- And Burn A Clinically-Validated 24.5% of Your Fat Without Dangerous Dieting Pills or Surgery
PLUS: Read on to Claim Your FREE $39 Gift Below
(I Guarantee You’ve Never Seen Me Do This Before!)
Dear Reader,
On Mt. Everest, they say every step you take…
Feels like climbing a mile.
And if you’ve ever tried cutting 5, 15, 25 pounds of fat or more…
You know melting fat can feel like one STEEP mountain slog.
Now, I know you may have been “climbing” for years, decades even.
So if you feel like you’ve tried everything to lose weight…
Or if every time you lose a few pounds, you can’t figure out how to KEEP it off...
Or, if it feels like a slim, attractive, beach-ready figure is something only movie stars can enjoy... or people with “good genes”...
Then listen up...
Because this new discovery is going to lay to rest ALL of these fat loss myths.
Today, I’m thrilled to show you something truly groundbreaking.
This Brand New “Reflexive” Sequence Burns Off
1/4 Of Total Body Fat Without Intense Exercise
Incredibly, it requires no cardio, starving yourself, or expensive trainers…
You can do this set of moves in the same time as a TV commercial break…
Even better, you can do it WHILE you wait for your favorite show to come back on.
It just takes minutes, from the privacy of your own home.
You’ll perform part of these easy movements sitting in a chair or sofa...
And today, I’ll show you how you can begin using this remarkable set of fat-burning moves immediately… AND claim your free $39 gift as a thank you for trying it.
If this sounds too good (or weird) to be true, I assure you:
This is NOT hype.
Because deep in the pages of a heavily-cited Korean research journal — supported by the Korean Department of Internal Medicine — a group of scientists proved beyond a shadow of doubt…
That a gentle series of nine “Reflexive” movements...
Sheds 24.5% of your body fat - on average - with unbelievable speed.
Not only that, but supporting research showed...
These moves burn 3X MORE FAT than cardio
In just a moment, I’ll fill you in on all the details.
And if you’ve ever steered clear of the gym of “high impact”’re going to want to stick around for the next 4 minutes.
Because this series of moves burns fat gently so you don’t strain your joints, which means,
This breakthrough Reflexive Flow works
Even if you’re 42, 62, or 82 years old!
I’ve been a leading expert in fitness & nutrition for 25 years. But I’ve never seen something burn fat as fast as these gentle “reflexive” moves. Read on to discover how to burn up to 3x MORE fat with less than HALF the effort of cardio.
My name is Rick Kaselj, but you may know me as “The Pain Hacker”.
As we both know: the more weight you carry, the greater the burden on your joints.
That’s why I’ve been dedicating rigorous hours to uncovering the most cutting-edge weight loss secrets for my audience of over 104,000 readers.
Maybe you found me through my work in Men’s Health, The San Francisco Chronicle, and Yahoo! News.
Whatever the case, this is so recent I can guarantee you haven’t seen it before.
The gentle set of moves I’ll introduce to you today — erases fat even if you’ve sustained injuries to your back, knees, neck, or hips.
In fact, they’re so surprisingly gentle, anyone at ANY age can do them in just minutes a day.
Imagine it, with nothing in your way - no injuries, no gym membership, no pre-workout DREAD...
You can finally slip into that pair of skinny jeans you haven’t worn in ages…
Guiltlessly go back for second servings of your favorite foods, because you earned it…
(...and don’t be surprised if you catch your spouse eyeing you coming out of the shower.)
Best of all, many clients rave of feeling “better all over”:
- More confident (even “sexy”) in their clothes
- Higher energy all day long
- Less joint pain, especially getting out of bed
And a few clients might be embarrassed by this, so I won’t name names…
But I’m hearing reports of a major increase in sex drive.
It doesn’t surprise me, because as WebMD remarks, extra pounds are notorious for killing sex drive.
If you’ve been reading my work for any amount of time, you know all my programs are:
Based on FACTS
In other words, hundreds of these research reports... from all over the world... fly across my desk on a regular basis.
I read all of them. It’s my job to... so YOU can get the essential, boiled-down secrets that actually burn fat off your body.
And THIS “reflexive flow” is -- without a doubt --a quantum leap forward in the science of fat loss.
And no, you don’t need an expensive trainer or gym membership…
You don’t need to buy one of those closet-hogging TV gadgets either.
Because, unlike the empty weight-loss promises you’re tired of hearing…
This new approach adapts to your body throughout the flow…
So you tap into your body’s little-known “MB Zone” -- on demand...
To burn a FULL QUARTER of your body fat at less than HALF the effort of cardio.
When I show you how to do it with today’s revolutionary system, for less than the price of a movie ticket...
You’ll be rocketing towards guaranteed results, just like Donna C. from Flint, MI -- who says:
Donna C. from Flint, MI says:
“I feel great! I have lost 3 lbs this week... It makes me feel strong, but not overworked. I feel loose and stretched out and sexy!”
Results may vary.
Vicky Y. from Bakersfield, CA says:
“Lost 2 inches after only 2 days. Really works and easy to do with a workout you put together. I have struggled with my weight due to thyroid problems and this actually is helping me lose weight.
Finally a workout for us heavy girls that have a hard time with high energy workouts.”
Results may vary.
Janine W. from Portland, OR says:
“...I lost 30 pounds, my migraine headaches were less frequent and I felt fantastic! Try it!”
Results may vary.
For less than the price of a premium burger, you can be speeding towards results like these TODAY.
So without further ado, I’m proud to bring you my latest body-transforming breakthrough:
Fit For Life
Tubing Workout
If you want to kick stubborn fat to the curb like these ordinary folks did.
And if you want extraordinary results without flipping your life upside down…
This is the day you’ve been waiting for.
Using 9 clinically-validated “reflexive” movements, you’ll prime your body for fat-burning overdrive.
Even better, you’ll trim your tummy in as little as 14 minutes.
Because it doesn’t matter if you’re 40, 50, or over 60… if you suffer from back, hip, shoulder, or knee pain…
Or if you’re a superstar mom with a jam-packed schedule.
This system WILL work for you.
Because unlike heavy weights and cardio…
This new “reflexive” flow adapts to your body through the WHOLE process.
Activating your little-known “MB Zone” -- to shed 24.5% of your total body fat with a series of gentle at-home moves.
Bottom line?
Give me 14 minutes, every two days, and by this time next week…
… the same clothes you’re wearing right now will fit looser.
In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you start feeling more energetic… more radiant...more like your younger self.
Burn Fat AND Protect Your Joints!
As you burn fat, you’ll also reduce your risk of injury.
Both Harvard Medical School and the American Society for Bone & Mineral Research found that these “reflexive” moves lower your risk of breaking a bone from a fall by 2.3X. Even, a site you may have seen me on — swears by this little-known method:
“[Reflexive moves] also helps you lose fat alone, rather than muscle.”
Scroll below to discover this set of revolutionary moves TODAY.
And because each workout builds on itself -- the sky’s the limit.
Here’s a taste of what you can expect:
In Module 1: Core Workout — You’ll Discover:
Don’t worry, you WON’T need those weights in the back! Just pull up a chair & follow Jenna As she guides you to gentle, fun & FAST fat loss from your own home.
- HOW TO FLATTEN YOUR ABS WHILE YOU SIT! This sneaky move works at the dinner table, on the bus, even sitting at work! No one will have a CLUE you’re melting fat by the second (#1 - Getting Started)
- The BEST way to tone your tummy by simply reaching for your toes (STILL works even if you’re stiff-as-a-board) (#4 – Invincible Workout)
- How to carve washboard abs TWICE AS FAST. No sweating in spandex, either -- it takes only 44 seconds a day! (#5 Invincible Workout)
- How 5 gentle “sitting twists” drop flab from your middle while loosening deep, pain-harboring muscles (#2 Healthy Workout)
In Module 2: Lower Body Workout — You’ll Learn:
- This weird “leg wave” that fortifies your lower back against injury & REVERSES the hidden dangers of sitting all day (#5 – Invincible Workout)
- Tippy-toe 2.0! Two ways this height-raising movement shapes attractive calves... and it’s NOT calf raises (#5 – Healthy Workout)
- The quickest way to tone your legs & limber your ankles and calves (as easy as stepping on a gas pedal) (#1 – Getting Started)
- When you slip into a pair of pants, you’ve basically done THIS move. One small tweak makes it firm up your legs for a sleek, attractive look (#4 -- Getting Started)
In Module 3: Upper Body Workout — You’ll Absorb:
- 1 sneaky way to steal the arm-toning benefits of push-ups… from the comfort of your family room chair (#5 Getting Started)
- Slouching KILLS your neck & creeps into your back. agrees, this move builds upper-back strength, fixes your posture & kicks neck pain to the curb (#1 - Invincible Workout)
- Erase upper back pain & unlock your shoulders simply by shrugging like you “don’t know” (There’s 1 little trick to doing it, revealed inside #1 of the Getting Started module)
Gently melting flab, boosting energy, and regaining confidence to strut your stuff…
… for less than a pair of movie tickets!
Remember, this system isn’t available anywhere else.
It’ll stay that way, too.
Because you’ve earned this by sticking with our online family through thick and thin…
… and it’s time I meet you halfway, with my most effective system to date.
So listen:
While others have happily paid me $300 an hour for my expertise…
And considering this unique system is overflowing with nearly an hour of high quality content…
You’d normally fork over $275 for access to this premium program.
But you won’t pay anywhere near that today. Because I want you to have the entire Fit For Life System for a remarkable 93% off.
That’s correct -- a measly $14 bucks to get started today.
A no-brainer by any standard.
And you’re covered by my ironclad 60-day money-back guarantee, so you risk nothing.
Keep reading and I’ll even show you a few special bonuses I can put on the table right now, to make it even more of a no-brainer.
Or, just click below to jump right to the “order button” (no tricks here, you’ll still have time to review your order).
As a “thank you” for joining, I’ll also
throw in $87 worth of FREE gifts
Rick-Approved Fitness Bands Shipped To Your Doorstep ($39 Value - FREE)
Now, you’ll need a couple of fitness bands to start.
They’re the bedrock on which Fit For Life System is built. Yet the great news is you won’t be leaving the comfort of your home to get them…
Because when you join us today, I’ll rush-ship my favorite brand to your doorstep -- completely on my dime.
You read that right: FREE fitness bands for every fitness level.
Meaning, you’re just one click away from the tight figure of your dreams.
And if you thought that was great, wait until you see…
Your Fit For Life Companion: A 60-Day Workout Calendar ($24 Value - FREE)
Pop this onto your fridge & follow along! This detailed guide will explain exactly what workouts to do, on what day, and for how long.
You’ll get meal plans, water intake advice, and 3 simple assessments to test your progress.
This means you’ll stay on track, so that in a few short weeks…
You could see guaranteed results like:
Renee B. from Denver, CO says:
“Even 10 minutes of this is helping me. My weight is slowly decreasing (avoiding the scales as much as possible) and my muscles are getting stronger. I highly recommend it.”
Results may vary.
Ruben W. from Albuquerque, NM says:
“Not too strenuous for older seniors. It is not boring for younger seniors exercising to lose weight.”
Results may vary.
Cassandra M. from Boise, ID says:
“I am so TONED I can hardly believe it. I actually have muscles and definition to my arms, thighs, buns, and calves. I still have a bread basket to my lower abdomen that I'm trying to lose, but I no longer have muffin tops to deal with…
I'm the first to admit I HATE to exercise! Absolutely HATE it with a passion... but when I started seeing the results in a fairly short amount of time, I was inspired to continue on.”
Results may vary.
Jean D. from Pensacola, FL says:
“I do the video from start to finish… three times a week and I do feel 10 years younger!”
Results may vary.
How does it sound waking up to results like these just weeks, even days from right now?
It’s all possible when you follow the simple video instructions inside the Fit For Life System.
Here's ANOTHER Good Reason To Act Now...
(I Just Added This Amazing Bonus)
If you’re one of the first 50 people to order Fit for Life Tubing Workout program, you’ll also get 14 days of FREE ACCESS to my exclusive Lifelong Wellness Academy.
Why do just the next 50 people get this opportunity?
The Lifelong Wellness Academy includes a lot of personal interaction, coaching and direct access to me and my team, and because of this, I limit the number of people we let in to make sure every one of our members gets the attention they deserve, so they can get the results they want.
What’s in the Lifelong Wellness Academy?
JUST ONE of the amazing features of the Lifelong Wellness Academy is you get to ask your questions, about your specific situation, to me and my team of health and fitness experts, DIRECTLY.
What are the other features? Too many to list here! You’ll have access to my workout blueprints, my proprietary exercise library, tons of handouts and extra manuals, membership in my VIP coaching group, video interviews with me and my team of experts, and lots more!
You get all of this for FREE, for 14 days!
After the 14-day trial period, you’ll continue to have access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy, with new modules, content, interviews, workouts, and more, available to you every month, all for a small monthly investment of just $47. To avoid credit card charges, you can cancel your access before the end of your 14-day free trial period by emailing us at [email protected] and we will process your request, no questions asked.
14 Filling Meals That Flatten Your Belly ($24 Value - FREE)
What if you could take your extraordinary results from Fit For Life System -- and then SLIM DOWN further with fat-burning versions of your favorite meals?
Now you can.
Inside this exclusive bonus, you’ll discover how we’ve made easy to FEAST your way to a tighter tummy.
Take a peek at a few of the recipes:
➔ Recipe #6: Guacamole Pesto Grilled Pork
(page 14)
➔ Recipe #13: Sweet & Sour Pork with Basmati Rice and Veggies
(page 21)
➔ Recipe #4: Green Pepper Sauce Beef with Sesame Peas
(page 12)
➔ Recipe #11: Hearty Turkey & Veggie Stew
(page 18)
You’ll get these, plus 11 more mouthwatering recipes
Picture it with me:
Scrumptious meals in minutes -- with recipes so simple, even a 7th grader could whip them up.
What’s more: each recipe is low-carb, high-protein, and bursting with every nutrient your body craves to shrink your waistline.
That means you can literally slim down AS you fill up on delectable, easy-to-make creations.
This exclusive trio of bonuses sells for $87.00 -- but today…
They’re yours FREE!
Wouldn’t you agree?
Yet it gets better because you have 60 days to try it, risk-free.
Meaning, you can go through every video, exercise, and bonus report… and if you’re not jumping up and down with excitement…
You don’t pay a dime.
Simply contact [email protected] or call 1-888-291-2430 to speak with our Customer Support team...
And I’ll issue you a full 100% refund.
No questions or hoops to jump through. Just a quick and courteous refund.
You don’t risk a thing by joining me inside, yet — you have nothing less to lose than 10, 20, even 30 pounds of excess weight...
So don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
Click the button below now to select your preferred product bundle.
Best Deal
FREE Bands Shipped!
Instant Access to Digital Version
Get a digital copy of Fit For Life Tubing Workout available for instant download anywhere in the world…
...PLUS get a set of resistance training bands absolutely FREE!
Your Discounted Price: $53 $14
(just pay $5 S&H for US or $10 for International)
When you order today, you get instant access to the Fit For Life Tubing Workout, 60-Day Workout Calendar, 14 Filling Meals that Flatten Your Belly, and a special 14 days FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14 days trial period, membership is only $47/month. You may cancel easily at any time. No questions asked.
No thanks, I will pass on this HUGE DISCOUNT for now… and I realize I will NEVER have this opportunity again.
This is an exclusive offer!
Look: you know I’m a man of my word.
So when I say we only have limited fitness bands to give away with a whopping 1,000+ people likely seeing this page today…
It’s the cold-hard truth.
Yet the spectacular news is if this page loaded, we’ve reserved a fitness band with your name on it. All you have to do is click on the button below.
And if you’re still on the fence…
I get it.
Believe me, I know the frustration. The secret jealousy I felt when friends bragged about losing weight.
You might relate: watching from the sidelines, wondering when it’s finally going to be “your turn”.
The answer is today.
For a measly $14, you’ll get the entire Fit For Life System and finally give yourself the gift of igniting belly fat -- in just 14 minutes.
And since you’re covered for 60 days, you have nothing to lose...
Except the 10, 15, 25 pounds or more of excess fat you could drop right off your body.
Click the "Buy Now" button below to get started while I can still send you your FREE fitness band:
Best Deal
FREE Bands Shipped!
Instant Access to Digital Version
Get a digital copy of Fit For Life Tubing Workout available for instant download anywhere in the world…
...PLUS get a set of resistance training bands absolutely FREE!
Your Discounted Price: $53 $14
(just pay $5 S&H for US or $10 for International)
When you order today, you get instant access to the Fit For Life Tubing Workout, 60-Day Workout Calendar, 14 Filling Meals that Flatten Your Belly, and a special 14 days FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14 days trial period, membership is only $47/month. You may cancel easily at any time. No questions asked.
No thanks, I will pass on this HUGE DISCOUNT for now… and I realize I will NEVER have this opportunity again.
Thank you for your time today.
Rick “The Pain Hacker” Kaselj
Exercises For Injuries
P.S. We limited bands to give away with our breakthrough Fit For Life System. All you have to do is tell me where to send it!
With it, you get access to my most anticipated fat-burning system to date -- for less than the price of a movie ticket...
A 14-minute “flow” sequence to gently trim your belly at HALF the effort of cardio…
P.P.S. I’m so confident you’ll love every second, I want you to try it risk-free for 60 days. You literally risk nothing, other than missing out on a major turning point in your health & physique.
It’s time.
Why go on this journey all alone, when you can click the button below to join us now:
Best Deal
FREE Bands Shipped!
Instant Access to Digital Version
Get a digital copy of Fit For Life Tubing Workout available for instant download anywhere in the world…
...PLUS get a set of resistance training bands absolutely FREE!
Your Discounted Price: $53 $14
(just pay $5 S&H for US or $10 for International)
When you order today, you get instant access to the Fit For Life Tubing Workout, 60-Day Workout Calendar, 14 Filling Meals that Flatten Your Belly, and a special 14 days FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14 days trial period, membership is only $47/month. You may cancel easily at any time. No questions asked.
No thanks, I will pass on this HUGE DISCOUNT for now… and I realize I will NEVER have this opportunity again.
FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions:
Fit For Life Tubing Workout
Thank you for your time today.
What if it doesn’t work for me?
REMEMBER: You are 100% protected by my 60-Day Ironclad Guarantee.
If you are not completely satisfied with the Fit For Life Tubing Workout purchase, for any reason, we will offer you a full refund within 60 days of purchase.
How long will it take until I see results?
You should feel an uptick in energy within the first few minutes of performing these exercises.
Within a week, you may notice yourself looking slimmer in the mirror. And, your family and friends might ask what’s different about you.
Within a month of doing the program, you may not recognize yourself at all! Your body will gush with a new, youthful energy… and your friend will pull you aside asking what your secret is.
Do I get any bonuses?
Absolutely, you get 3 incredible FREE bonuses with a combined value of $87.00.
BONUS #1: Rick-Approved Fitness Bands ($39 Value – FREE)
BONUS #2: 60-Day Workout Calendar ($24 Value – FREE)
BONUS #3: 14 Filling Meals To Flatten Your Belly ($24 Value – FREE)
This special trio of bonuses is valued at $87, but today, you get it FREE. In addition to your copy of Fit For Life Tubing Workout (a $275 value)…
That makes $362 in total fat loss fixes… all for less than $20!
Are these exercises safe? Or will I risk injuring myself during the Fit For Life Tubing Workout?
Listen, if you try these movements on a greased floor in socks – you might tumble.
However, if you perform the exercises as shown in the step-by-step videos… you will quickly see how safe and low-impact they are.
What is the Lifelong Wellness Academy?
The Lifelong Wellness Academy is the last 25 years of my life’s work, rolled into a comprehensive membership program. You will get instant online access to these 4 essential health modules:
PLUS, you get over 3 hours and 45 minutes of expert interviews, where I dive deep with some of the sharpest minds in health & wellness to uncover the practical tips and tricks you can use to lose weight, sleep better, and live longer.
Discover how to strengthen your joints, tone your muscles and burn more calories without killing yourself. Strangely simple exercises you can do from home. And a week-by-week system to achieve your dream body without the risk of injury.
Why does this work better than any other fat loss program?
Your special fitness bands mean every little move is more effective, and safer than using weights.
By using my gentle resistance flow that eliminates slack, you activate a “metabolic window” without intense cardio or vigorous exercise.
It’s not overwhelming at ANY age or fitness level. No pressure. No grueling workouts. Just an easy set of moves using a simple “rubber band” that gets proven results… Like the group of obese women ages 40+, who saw a 24.5% decrease in ugly fat, on average.
What if I’ve never been to the gym, is it hard to learn?
No. These are simple movements with simple instructions. There are 3 difficulty levels to accommodate any fitness level: Level 1 – Getting Started; Level 2 – Healthy Workout; and Level 3 – Invincible Workout.
Every movement is filmed from two angles so it’s virtually impossible to get confused by the program.
Chuck Morris from Covington, LA says:
I just started the Fit For Life Tubing Workout this week, so all I can say is I like it. I’m 71 years old and the work out so far has proven challenging, but I’m really enjoying it. I start with the videos and do the 5 reps of each exercise with Jenna to learn the exercise, then start over and do 2 sets of each of the Getting Started and Healthy Workout exercises of 10 reps or more each. It may take a little while before I can move up to the Invincible Workout, but right now that’s my goal to work towards.
Results may vary.
Nancy Shelton from Kirkland, WA says:
What has been going on with me before I got the Fit for Life Tubing Workout program was nothing but an extensive infection. Thankfully, it is clearing up now. So, I will continue doing it to strengthen my body with your excellent program!
Results may vary.
Best Deal
FREE Bands Shipped!
Instant Access to Digital Version
Get a digital copy of Fit For Life Tubing Workout available for instant download anywhere in the world…
...PLUS get a set of resistance training bands absolutely FREE!
Your Discounted Price: $53 $14
(just pay $5 S&H for US or $10 for International)
No thanks, I will pass on this HUGE DISCOUNT for now… and I realize I will NEVER have this opportunity again.
- Kwon, Hwi Ryun, et al. “The Effects of Resistance Training on Muscle and Body Fat Mass and Muscle Strength in Type 2 Diabetic Women.” Korean Diabetes Journal, vol. 34, no. 2, 2010, p. 101., doi:10.4093/kdj.2010.34.2.101.
- Kwon, Hwi Ryun. Korean Diabetes Journal, Korean Diabetes Association, Apr. 2010,
- “Preserve Your Muscle Mass.” Harvard Health Publishing, 26 Feb. 2016,
- Prien, Ben. “How to Lose Weight With Resistance Bands.” COM, Leaf Group, 11 Sept. 2017,
- Scott, Paula Spencer. “A Woman's Guide to Reviving Sex Drive.” WebMD, WebMD,
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